How I want my daughter raised.
I don’t want others doing for her what she can for herself; unless, she has earned the right to afford that luxury.
I want her treated with respect by herself and others and want her to be able to teach it. I want her to have a happy time, make lots of friends, and know the meaning of play time. It’s important for me to teach her to like learning. As an adult, I love it and think she can too. I want her to be able to appreciate what she has and wants. She should know things aren’t usually free. Sometimes, it may appear that way, but I feel she should understand what opportunity cost means. She needs to understand what boundaries mean. This is for herself and others. I don’t want her to let others into her space if she doesn’t want. I want her to feel strong enough to say no and not put herself in positions where she’ll have to fight for herself. If she ever does, I want her to know I’m always on her side and I’ll fight with her.
I want her to know the feeling “I gave it my all” and that was the best I could do.
I don’t want her to grow up feeling like her dad was never there (because he traveled for work).
I think she should travel so she can see how others live. There’s so much more out there than just her (and us). I’d like to do a lot of this with her. Starting young. I would like this to be one of “our things” we do together.
I will support her decisions she makes as an adult and fight for her when she needs it.
to be continued....