Saturday, October 2, 2010

The dream of my daughter - the beginning.

How I want my daughter raised.

I want her to grow to become a self-sufficient, confident, respectful of others and nature, responsible, appreciative adult.

I don’t want others doing for her what she can for herself; unless, she has earned the right to afford that luxury.

I want her treated with respect by herself and others and want her to be able to teach it. I want her to have a happy time, make lots of friends, and know the meaning of play time. It’s important for me to teach her to like learning. As an adult, I love it and think she can too. I want her to be able to appreciate what she has and wants. She should know things aren’t usually free. Sometimes, it may appear that way, but I feel she should understand what opportunity cost means. She needs to understand what boundaries mean. This is for herself and others. I don’t want her to let others into her space if she doesn’t want. I want her to feel strong enough to say no and not put herself in positions where she’ll have to fight for herself. If she ever does, I want her to know I’m always on her side and I’ll fight with her.

I want her to know the feeling “I gave it my all” and that was the best I could do.

I don’t want her to grow up feeling like her dad was never there (because he traveled for work).

I think she should travel so she can see how others live. There’s so much more out there than just her (and us). I’d like to do a lot of this with her. Starting young. I would like this to be one of “our things” we do together.

I will support her decisions she makes as an adult and fight for her when she needs it.

to be continued....

Monday, September 6, 2010

Pump It Up: Eleven Tips for Exercising Regularly - DivineCaroline

She's four months old and I still have a few pounds to go. I used to play hard to stay in shape and now... new rule to the game of life.

We all need a little encouragement.

Pump It Up: Eleven Tips for Exercising Regularly - DivineCaroline

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010


The desire within a person that drives them toward action is called motivation. Motivation is more than the reason we do things; it is also the determining factor in how well we do things. Motivation determines what our focus of effort will be (our direction), how much effort we will apply toward achieving our goals (our performance level), and how long we will stay committed to the task (our persistence). Some motivating forces drive us to work hard, but only for a short time: a pep talk, for instance. The key for optimum organizational performance is to find ways to sustain high levels of direction, performance level and persistence in our employees. That is why the study of motivation is important to us. By understanding what drives our workforce, we can motivate them to succeed.

Motivation can be understood, monitored, and managed according to three major theories: reinforcement theories, content theories, and process theories. Different cultures value different things so individuals within those cultures will be motivated in different ways. Even if operating in a global environment, motivational theories can help you achieve organizational success – but you must insure that you understand what makes the workforce “tick” before applying these theories. These theories also apply to yourself.

This is borrowed from my instructor. Thank you :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

I just had one of those moments when everything is great. I think they happen more often than I realize but do love when the hit me. I'm in a healthy relationship, my daughter's perfect and growing beautifully, the boys are good and CQ has an A in Spanish. We just had a great visit with my sis, school is back in session, and my love comes home today.Lucky me <3

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Green Goodness

I'm learning real fast that finding the balance between school, homework, and a 2 month old is going to much more difficult than I imagined. I hear her now.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The birth of my daughter

I will post this soon. It was too amazing not to share but I know it'll be time consuming to post.

Raw, Vegan, Gluten- Free, Sugar- Free Cooking Class with Kelly Keough - The Woodland Hills Healthy Lifestyle Meet up Group (Woodland Hills, CA) -

Raw, Vegan, Gluten- Free, Sugar- Free Cooking Class with Kelly Keough - The Woodland Hills Healthy Lifestyle Meet up Group (Woodland Hills, CA) -

Tonight, Sunny and I enjoyed a free "cooking" class at Whole Foods. The main course was hemp butter truffles. Quite tasty. Kelly was interesting and I'm now looking forward to checking our her Sugar-free, gluten free dessert cookbook.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Sandwiches

Sweet nibbles for all. Craigen and the boys will be here tomorrow. My job is to create treats.
I will start with organic, whole wheat, homemade chocolate chip cookies, bake and cool. Pop'me in the freezer for a bit, let the organic vanilla and chocolate ice cream soften just a tad, then create. Into their home they go until tomorrow. They're gonna be tasty!! Photo, soon to come.

Bouldering at Stoney Point

Bouldering at Stoney Point

Baby girl will be here soon... so much excitement!! Shortly after, we will teach her to love the outdoors. It's a must. I can't wait to get back to nature. I need it!! Need to hike, climb, and jump off of cliffs. She'll love it too! I hope...